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Making Discovery More Discoverable
She turned and smiled a smile I will never forget as her body and mind connected to perform the act of balancing on two wheels. That was magic, that was her point of discovery.

A Salute to Our RiderCoaches and Our Training Community
The Motorcycle Safety Foundation is celebrating 50 years of rider education and training, which really means celebrating 50 years of RiderCoaches, DirtBike School Coaches, site administrators, program managers — everyone in our training community — who have helped millions of people realize their dreams of two- and three-wheeling.

MSF DirtBike School Helped Young Boy Find His Calling
When Miles was in second grade, his dad saw that the Motorcycle Safety Foundation offered DirtBike School for anyone ages 6 years and up. He signed Miles up so that he could try something new, and Miles was instantly hooked.

Ride to Serve, Serve to Ride
Richard King joined the Marine Corps in the 1970s and became an infantry scout/sniper for a Surveillance and Target Acquisitions unit. He soon found that his love of motorcycling was of use to Uncle Sam, and he was chosen to take the Combat Motorcycle course to become a scout/messenger, which he did during Desert Storm.

Will Work for Motorcycle
Actor Nina Bergman knew she was born to ride when she landed a gig that required her to ride a motorcycle. However, she didn’t have her motorcycle license yet, but she didn’t let that stop her.

An Amazing Way to See This World
When he has time, Anthony loves to travel by two-wheels, and he shares that passion with his father.

Your Mindset Determines How Good You Will Be
The motorcycle class was supposed to be a way for her husband and daughter to bond; Johanna Noble had no idea it would change her life.

See Motorcycles This Summer
In these so-called modern times, people are under constant stress from bumper-to-bumper commutes, roadway courtesy is a lost art, too many drive under the influence of alcohol or other drugs, and over 43,000 Americans lose their lives yearly in traffic collisions.

From ‘Never Ride’ to Motorcycle Program Manager
Growing up, Brandi Behling heard too many unnerving stories about motorcycles and never thought she would ride. Little did she know, fate had other plans for her. Read on to see how Brandi’s journey led her to become program manager for the New York State Motorcycle Safety Program.

A Native New Yorker Discovers a Whole New Community
For writer Tim Struby, an assignment introduced him to motorcycling, but it was the motorcycling community that helped make his life richer.

30 Years Later, She Made Her Dream Come True
Dawn Temple, a photographer and teacher, dreamed of owning a Vespa when she was 14 years old, but she never got around to getting training and buying one until just last year, as she was about to turn 45.

Just the Girl for the Job
As a kid, Armene Piper loved Sunday evening rides on the back of her dad’s 1976 Honda CB550. It was

Motorcycling Helped Me Better Understand My Father
Writer Brandon Friederich has always been best friends with his father, so of course the two would take the MSF

Maddox Kennerson: Rocker. Rider.
Guitarist Maddox Kennerson is a 16-year-old of many talents. Not only is he in three bands while attending school full-time, he’s been cast in “Shop Class” on Disney+, he’s featured in numerous commercials, and he has many hobbies, including dirt bike riding.

Middle School Teacher to MSF RiderCoach
Jerry Foster-Julian, now 80, recently hung up her RiderCoach hat, but she hasn’t hung up her helmet yet. The former middle school teacher, who started riding in the 1960s and has traveled the world by motorcycle, served as a RiderCoach for more than 20 years.

Sharing an Adventure, Reconnecting with Their Past
Friends Jaime Gabaldoni and Lazaro Amaro had big plans for a long-distance motorcycle ride. Not only did they want to