DirtBike School Provider
DBS Providers are a special group of business owners and entrepreneurs who desire to offer training for their customers. They are responsible for running the business side of the school and may include motorcycle dealers, after-market retail operators, track owners, casual off-road rider, current MSF street or ATV Schools, or DBS Coaches with business expertise. Besides enjoying the challenge of running a business, they support their students and riders by providing them with valuable techniques and safety skills for riding off-road.
MSF and DBS Providers enter into an agreement that outlines the rights, responsibilities, and privileges of each other’s role in the relationship.
Training Sites
DBS Providers are responsible for obtaining suitable sites to conduct DBS Classes. Each range must be certified by MSF that it is not near another DBS site. View current site locations.
Close Range Exercise (CRE) ranges are used to conduct the entry level course on a small flat lot utilizing a grass or dirt hard packed surface, with minimum dimension of 150′ x 200′.
Provider Responsibilities
- Marketing and promotion of their own DBS School
- Setting pricing for their courses per student:
- Usually $100-$200 for CRE
- Acquiring and maintaining ranges
- Hiring their DBS Coaches
- Scheduling their Coaches and classes, etc.
- Using the MSF online enrollment system (RES)
- Collecting their student’s fees
MSF Support
- The following products available at MSF’s prevailing prices:
- DBS CRE curriculum materials
- DBS Coach Preparation course
- MSF DBS Course Insurance
- The following services available:
- Maintaining certification of DBS Coaches who are trained to MSF standards
- Technical, administrative, and promotional assistance to support high-quality training
- Assistance with obtaining loan motorcycles
- A national toll-free number and website for student referrals
- Access to RETSORG
- Access to RiderCourse Enrollment System (RES)
- Distribution of MSF issued DBS completion cards to students successfully completing the course
- Assistance with obtaining loan motorcycles
- Issuance of a monthly invoice for students trained, to be paid within 30 days
Ready to become a DBS Provider?
Call 888.OFF.HWY1 (888.633.4991) and select option 2.
DBS Providers are responsible for running the business side of the school and may include motorcycle dealers, after-market retail operators, track owners, casual off-road rider, current MSF street or ATV Schools, or DBS Coaches with business expertise.