Become a

DirtBike School Coach

If you are an off-highway motorcyclist with several years of varied riding experience and good communication skills, you may qualify to become a MSF-certified DBS Coach. If you qualify, you will need to complete an intensive DBS Coach Preparation (CP) course in order to teach.

During the Coach Preparation course, you will learn the fundamentals of teaching the Closed Range Exercise (CRE) course, which is the beginning dirt bike rider course.

Coach Preparation (CP) Course

Frequently Asked Questions

You must be at least 18 years of age and be an off-highway motorcyclist with several years of varied riding experience. You will need to have good communication skills and required to teach at least two DBS courses in a two-year period to maintain the certification.

MSF-certified Coach Trainers conduct the course. They are specially trained DBS Coaches who have completed intensive training and are authorized to train candidates for MSF DBS Coach certification. The Coach Preparation course is to help you understand the special elements of teaching the Closed Range Exercise course, which is the beginning dirt bike rider course.

The Coach Preparation is a 4-day course that typically runs Thursday through Sunday. First, you’ll be required to pass a riding-skill test. Then you practice teaching in the classroom. From there you learn how to manage the range exercises and how to evaluate and coach students as they develop their riding skills. At the end of the training portion of the course, you’ll be given a knowledge test. You must pass it to continue in the program. Finally, you and your classmates teach a complete DBS CRE to a group of new riders. The Coach Trainer will evaluate your teaching performance as part of the completion requirements.

Typically, a CP is offered when there is a need for Coaches in a particular area. Regularly scheduled Coach Preps are offered in Arizona, California, Georgia, Ohio, and Texas. We also offer on-site Coach Preps.

The cost for tuition and materials is $1000.00. Candidates will receive an MSF DBS Coach Guide and range cards. All travel expenses related to the course are the responsibility of the candidate.

A private DBS Coach Preparation Course (“DBS CP”) can be arranged to take place at your facility if you prefer. You would be responsible for providing up to a maximum of eight candidates for your private CP. DBS Operations can assist you in finding approved candidates, but cannot guarantee any. All candidates must be approved by DBS Operations.

For a private CP, a flat rate payment of $8,000 is required at least sixty (60) days prior to your scheduled CP date. The payment includes all fees to send a Coach Trainer to your location to train your Coach Candidates. 

A suitable, pre-approved site with approved loan machines will be required. (See our “DBS Site Duties” document HERE for more information on what you would need to have/provide at your site.)

Be prepared!

  • If you enroll in the DBS CP course, be prepared to ride! Every day! We prefer that you bring your own full off-road gear. However, if you do not own off-road gear, you will need a DOT-approved helmet; over-the-ankle, sturdy leather footwear; long pants; long-sleeved shirt or jacket; and full-fingered gloves (preferably leather).
  • Be prepared to set aside time during off-class hours to study. This is an intensive program that requires a lot of work and concentration. Do not enroll unless you can attend every class meeting.
  • The MSF highly recommends you complete a DirtBike School CRE before taking a CP course.

Ready To Become A DBS Coach?

Send the completed application to Once your application has been reviewed, we will reach out to you for scheduling.



For Questions Contact:

Corey Eastman
Director of Rider Education Expansion
Motorcycle Safety Foundation

9 AM – 5 PM (West Coast Time)