By Corey Eastman
MSF Director of Rider Education Expansion

An immense wave of pride washed over me as I watched my little girl find her balance point. At last, she was riding a “big girl” bicycle. She turned and smiled a smile I will never forget as her body and mind connected to perform the act of balancing on two wheels. That was magic, that was her point of discovery.
Then, a look of puzzlement crossed her face as I yelled, “LOOK WHERE YOU’RE GOING!!!”
BAM! Right into a post. She hit the ground like a wet blanket, laid out on the neighborhood basketball court. Her brother laughed. Her mother was horrified. I ran to her aid. Fast forward several years and we have all survived.

I’m Corey Eastman, director of rider education expansion for the Motorcycle Safety Foundation. The position appealed to me because, as a motorcycle enthusiast my whole life, I have always loved helping people discover new things — especially on two wheels.

As we celebrate 50 years of the Motorcycle Safety Foundation and the millions upon millions of riders who have taken MSF courses, it really is about the discovery of something new. The empowerment of riding a motorcycle and all the social and physiological benefits it brings. Whether you’re 8 years old or 80, you’re a badass. You rode a motorcycle.
But how do we connect those looking to try, and those who already ride, with rider education?
Today, a lot of discovery starts digitally, so we updated to help everyone — from those curious about riding to experienced riders — find relevant rider training more easily.

Core to this is the 360 Rider Training page, with options to Start, Improve, or Advance your riding skills. This offers relevant options no matter how much riding experience you have. Key courses revolve around helping people earn a street motorcycle license, but as we all know, rider training is not a one-and-done affair. Riders can always practice, improve, and gain new skills. Through the 360 Rider Training page, one can find current course offerings and new offerings as they become available, as well as connect with training in their area.

Additionally, you can enjoy weekly stories from a wide range of people sharing what MSF helped them discover. You can also connect with live experiences, such as our RIDE Day program that helps local training sites offer demo experiences. These elements and more give us the foundational tools needed to help millions more people connect with rider education and training. We want to inspire and encourage everyone: Ride Your Best!