50 stories to celebrate 50 years of The Motorcycle Safety Foundation

2023 marks the 50th anniversary of the Motorcycle Safety Foundation (MSF). This is a significant milestone reflecting generations of thoughtful and dedicated work by the MSF community. Since 1973, MSF-sertified RiderCoaches have helped millions of people realize their dreams of learning to ride a motorcycle or scooter.
The MSF is about helping riders ride their best, whether age 16 or 80. MSF has developed its courses based on academic and scientific underpinnings and field-based research, something no one else has done, establishing MSF as the authority in rider education. And MSF continues to develop and innovate rider education curricula to this day.
That work has been spearheaded by one of America’s leading safety resources and advocates for motorcyclists – Dr. Ray Ochs, MSF vice president, training operations. Ray’s body of work has been embraced (and imitated) around the country and overseas. Along with other MSF staff, Ray has also spent decades working with federal and state regulators, policymakers, and agencies to promote the best interests of motorcyclists, identify areas for improvement, and promote safer roads for everyone.
In 2023, MSF will be launching more events across the U.S. to help introduce people to rider education. In 2022, MSF RIDE Day was beta tested. It is an event combining a 30-minute Moto Intro for those curious about riding but have never ridden, and a Skills Check for current riders. Moto Intro was very popular, and many participants were eager to sign up for the Basic RiderCourse afterwards. Skills Check participants not only had fun but saw the benefits of continued rider training.

Throughout this year, we will be celebrating MSF’s 50th anniversary and the people who made it possible. As a part of this, we want to bring to life the work of the MSF community. We are launching a series of stories, one each week for 50 weeks. We will hear from new riders, long-time riders, RiderCoaches, families, experts, policymakers, and more, all in celebration of motorcycle rider education. These stories should inspire, entertain, and most of all, share the fun of riding that results from proper rider education and training.

The MSF community has the privilege of educating the motorcyclists of tomorrow, further developing the skills of today’s riders, and raising the visibility of motorcyclists on roads and in policymaking. This is no small thing.
To RiderCoaches and MSF team members past and present, many thanks for all your hard work, whether you’ve been with us for 50 years or a month. To past and future students, we are proud to be part of your journey to ride your best. We look forward to celebrating MSF’s 50th anniversary with all of you throughout 2023. I’m already looking forward to our 75th!