Event Production Overview
- Prior to promo start
Partner & Plan
- Present event idea to your team and get their support
- Find partner(s) — local m/c dealers or others with an interest in riding Select date(s)
- Gather promotable database from partners, agree on event specifics to promote
- Divide tasks and costs
- 30-days out
- Local event listing, integrate into normal promotions, news release to media, local clubs, police departments, others
- Place posters, fliers, banners where people can find them
- Social media: Post through your business, partners’ business, personal channels — make it easy to share
- Paid promos: social, local, however you can connect with relevant audience
- Week out
- Waivers/QR codes for sign-in, other logistic items
- Other event features — food truck, bike displays, club displays, what can you add to engage people?
- Reminders to local clubs and others
- Check to ensure insurance, other elements in place
- Supply list and schedule: Who is doing what — check-in, MOTO Intro, SKILLS Check, etc.
- RIDE Day
- Check range, set up drills
- Set up registration, loaner gear area
- Water, refreshments ready
- Team meeting for final review
- Coaches help greet participants until needed on range — whole team to keep every element positive
- Thank you and offer options for next steps
Team Roles
Showing Participants a Good Time
Your team for RIDE Day activations can be a combination of MSF-certified RiderCoaches, DirtBike School Coaches and non-coach help. Key is to ensure everyone is friendly, welcoming, and ready to show participants a good time.
Welcome/Waivers | 1-2 | Welcome guests, sign waivers, book time if needed, direct them to next step |
Gear Up/Down | 1 | Help MOTO Intro participants with helmet and other gear |
Traffic | 1 | Optional, but helps to engage participants and direct them |
MOTO Intro | 4-6 | Coaches (RC or DBS) work 1-on-1 through on-motorcycle experience |
SKILLS Check | 1-2 | RiderCoach(es) run SC drill |
Next Steps | 1 | Dedicated team member to share upcoming courses, manage sign-ups and answer questions |
Event Checklist
Covering All Elements
- Review the full document
- All RIDE Day producers are welcome to use the event Checklist to help define roles and responsibilities among your team.
Tracking & SHaring
- Let Corey Eastman at the MSF know how many participants attended and which activations they participated in
- Have participants fill out post-ride survey
- Event hashtags #MSFRideDay #motorcyclesafetyfoundation
- Include the database information into your regular communications plans
- Follow participants on your social channels
- Share participant database with partners after the event
- Offer options for training at the RIDE Day event
- Follow up with participants with a thank you email or phone call
- Answer their questions
- Offer additional training recommendations
- Let them know when additional RIDE Days are happening and ask them to share the information
- For MSF insurance, contact Laurie Brehm at