Parents, Youngsters & Off-Highway Motorcycles

Riding Off-Highway Motorcycles (OHMs) can be an enjoyable form of outdoor recreation when done properly. With preparation, practice, and parental supervision your youngster can safely develop and expand his or her riding skills. Remember, off-highway motorcycles are not toys.
You and Your Scooter: Riding Tips

The way to ensure trouble-free riding – whether novice or experienced – is to learn to operate your scooter more skillfully and safely. Your enjoyment and your safety depend on mastering not only the skill of riding a scooter, but also on the mental strategies related to sharing the road.
Motorcycle Tire Guide

Safe riding depends on selecting the right tires, inspecting and maintaining them, and replacing them as necessary.
You and Your 3-Wheel Motorcycle: Riding Tips

You have gained admission to the wonderful world of motorcycling. You are going to have a marvelous time.
You also have some new responsibilities, which is what this little booklet is all about.
Tips & Practice Guide for the Off-Highway Motorcyclist

The information contained in this publication is offered for the benefit of those who have an interest in and ride off-highway motorcycles. The information has been compiled from publications, interviews and observations of individuals and organizations familiar with the use of off-highway motorcycles.
Motorcycle Operator Manual

The Motorcycle Safety Foundation Motorcycle Operator Manual contains tips and strategies to help riders manage risk. The manual was written for novices and designed for use in licensing programs, but there’s great information for all two- and three-wheel motorcycle riders. Topics covered include motorcycle controls, developing effective street strategies, group riding, riding with a passenger, and more.
You and Your Motorcycle: Riding Tips

Riding a motorcycle properly is a skill you can learn. It’s not something you are born with, like having red hair or blue eyes. It takes thinking and practice to ride one well. Unfortunately, many riders never learn the critical skills to ride safely and enjoy the sport to its fullest.