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Paper map, phone app or GPS? Which is right for you? This is a topic that can result in hours of conversation when discussing with seasoned motorcycle travelers. In the end, most riders find the method, or combination of methods that work best for them.
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Travel by Motorcycle
A three-part series.

One element of motorcycle travel that can confuse those planning their first trip is the issue of luggage.
What is too much?
What is not enough?
To learn more, we once again asked our Motorcycle Safety Foundation Facebook followers for their advice on luggage and packing for a multi-day motorcycle ride.

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Travel by Motorcycle
A three-part series.

Like learning to ride a motorcycle, taking a motorcycle trip can be daunting. But like taking a motorcycle course and building your riding skills, the effort is worth it. Recently, we asked our social media followers what advice they would give to riders new to multi-day moto travel. Here’s what they said.

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